1. Gift vouchers are valid for 365 days from the date of purchase.
2. If the entire amount is not used during a purchase made with the vouchers, a new coupon is created with the remaining balance and sent to the provided email address.
   Its validity is also 365 days from the date of purchase.
3. We do not cash out the remaining funds available on your account in our Bandwatch.pl store. The voucher can only be exchanged for products available in our store.
4. Vouchers are sent to the provided email address and printed independently by the customer.
5. We do not refund money for purchased vouchers.
6. If a later voucher delivery date is selected, it will be automatically sent on the chosen day to the provided email address at either 4:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. (the customer cannot choose the exact delivery time).
7. We are not responsible for an incorrectly entered email address where the voucher should be sent.
8. The voucher will be sent to the email address after the order is paid.
9. Payment for the voucher must be made in advance.
10. Available payment methods are bank transfer or fast online transfers.